Proposal for an Installation of an Imagined Architectural Model. Completed as part of a Design Week Competition.
Project: A Luxury Housing Block. To be constructed within the limits of a parking space. The curb line/ gutter site is a analog for the Delaware Riverfront Edge. Street being river.
Collaborator: Michelle Taransky.
Sample : Bill Laswell
Her Text:
I have been a gypsy a couple
Of times she said if I said
In the past, each color stood
To remind you your birth
Name was Fox and please quit
Forgetting the charge to hand
Me nothing
But letters
Because they are lies if
Nothing else nothing past tense
Part her wilderness sound
Asleep dreaming the accountant is
Saying how can you imagine anything
Incorrectly— Besides what else is there in addition
To naming the dead fox
Robert and referring to him
As Robber, as Giver
Who gives us dreams of his dreams of the fox-fire
Out of which barely one thrush
Emerged still
The leaves turned I
Swore a storm was
On its way however
Without lightning who is able to tell that
The letter had everything to do
With Master turning to the teller
To tell her he knows
So what if the piles turn into
Guilt after guilt, where no matter
The ways to a way to admit it
This line is about the theft
It is about time
Safes that stay safe
from Barn Burned, Then (Omnidawn Publishing, 2009)